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Cinema: Casa de Cultura. Aula Magna, 36 Alpha
Sesion name: VIDEOCLIP
Sesión Begin: Sep 13, 2024, 6:00 PM
Sesión End: Sep 13, 2024, 6:59 PM
Room: AULA B
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«EVERY MUSIC HAVE J.S. BACH» (2024) music video

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Duration: 00:05:06
Category: Videoclip (Music Video)
Project Type: Music Video
Synopsis: «EVERY MUSIC HAVE J.S. BACH. There is God in every person» — «Poems under the epigraph» by the poet Joseph Brodsky. A fine summer morning. A young couple — a proud guy and a flirtatious young girl, approach the entrance to the alma mater. Standing up for a second, looking at each other, the heroes run up the steps to the entrance of the new building of the S.A. Gerasimov's All-Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK). . Holding hands, the characters enter the Dance Hall and begin an expressive dance to a mashup, combined from 2 works by Johann Sebastian Bach, arranged in a rock style. In dancing, the guy is invariably strict in his gaze, keeps up with contention — the girl is playful, sly, all the time trying to make him smile. So the whole rapid dance continues, culminating in a smile on the face of the strict hero. dancing Egor Shalaevsky & Diana Dimova directed by Iliyas Daudi cinematography Mikhail Deryugin horeography Mairbek Mataev producer Alex Tazin https://youtu.be/Ty34T_NpoHM?feature=shared https://youtu.be/2EnomRBNDiY?si=bJcJUEgQ9Jwhi3bq https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Nz4s/8nRL8oawo https://cloud.mail.ru/public/wr6y/g7aek6GXe * Diana Dimova was born in Moscow on August 10, 2004. She has been engaged in dancing since early childhood. At the age of 7, her mother sent Diana to the ballroom dancing club, and at the age of 9, Diana and her dance partner already began to enter the top 100 best couples in Russia. Diana is included in categories A and B according to the European and Latin American program, she professionally dances ballet, folk and modern dances, has a large number of different levels of titles and awards. Since 2023, Diana has been studying at the acting faculty of the S.A. Gerasimov's All-Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK). * Egor Shalaevsky was born in Rybinsk on February 28.In 2004. He has never practiced dancing professionally. According to his mother's memoirs, when she was pregnant with Egor, she danced in a professional group. It can be said that even before his birth, Egor got acquainted with choreography in the womb. Since 2023, Egor has been studying at the acting course of the S.A. Gerasimov's All-Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK). Egor has been practicing choreography for only a year under the guidance of the «Honoured Worker of Culture of Russia» Mayrbek Mataev.

Screenings / Awards:
* 36th «GIRONA FILM FESTIVAL» GFF-2024 Girona September 14, 2024 Kuala-Lumpur. Malaysia Nominee «BEST MUSIC VIDEO» — «EVERY MUSIC HAVE J.S. BACH» (2024) Spain * «MONT BLANC INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL» MBIFF-2024 Paris September 5, 2024 Kuala-Lumpur. Malaysia Winner «BEST MUSIC VIDEO» France * «SWEDEN FILM AWARDS» SFA-2024 Stockholm September 14, 2024 Mumbai, India 26.7.2024 Semi-Finalist «MUSIC VIDEO» Sweden * «HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL FILM CARNIVAL HKIFC-2024 Hong Kong September 20, 2024 Kuala-Lumpur. Malaysia «Outstanding Achievement» — «BEST MUSIC VIDEO» China * «BERLIN MOTION PICTURE AWARDS» BMPA-2024 Berlin September 26, 2024 Kuala-Lumpur. Malaysia Winner «BEST MUSIC VIDEO» Germany * 10th «INTERNATIONAL FILM & ENTERTAINMENT FESTIVAL» IFEFA-2024 Sydney October 2, 2024 Kuala-Lumpur. Malaysia Finalist «BEST MUSIC VIDEO» Australia * «LULEA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL» LIFF-2024 Lulea September 1, 2024 Kuala-Lumpur. Malaysia Semi-Finalist «MUSIC VIDEO» Sweden * «BRANDENBURG INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL» BIFF-2024 Brandenburg October 23, 2024 Kuala-Lumpur. Malaysia Winner «BEST MUSIC VIDEO» Germany * «STOCKHOLM CITY FILM FESTIVAL» SCFF-2024 Stockholm October 27, 2024 Kuala-Lumpur. Malaysia Finalist «BEST MUSIC VIDEO» Sweden

Submitter Biography:
ILIYAS DAUDI, Russian writer, member of the «Union of Writers of Russia», screenwriter, film director, clipmaker, producer, soldier of the Afghan War (1979-1989), Hero of the Russian Federation. IMDb nm 15078873 — https://m.imdb.com/name/nm15078873/ Military writer, short story writer, essayist, publicist — author of works about the Afghan War (1979-1989) and the history of Afghanistan. — Author of essays and publications in periodicals of the Russian press, headings «history», «military policy»: the magazine «Army Collection», the newspaper «RED STAR» — the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, «Independent Newspaper», the newspapers «Moskovsky Komsomolets», «Kazan Reporter», etc. — Author of the military historical novel-trilogy «In the Kunduz Circle» (2020) - about the fate of six Soviet intelligence soldiers in the Afghan war and after it — stories published in Russian literary and art magazines. Copies of the book «In the Kunduz Circle» were taken to the libraries of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Main Military and Political Directorate of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Central House of the Russian Army named after M.V. Frunze. — Winner of the «11th All-Russian Literary competition of the Central House of the Russian Army named after M.V. Frunze of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation» in 2017 in the nomination «Prose and drama» for «Essay of a wounded soldier» from the collection «Notes of a military intelligence officer». Bibliography • «In the Kunduz Circle» military historical novel-trilogy • «The Great Game in Afghanistan» monograph • «We'll all be back!» novel • «Not by the front corridor» military novel • «The Zugzwang of Ober lieutenant Bruno Thevs» a military novel — In 2024, he graduated from the 2-year Higher Courses of directing and producing films and television of the S.A. Gerasimov's All-Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK). At the same time, he continued his studies at the VGIK, in the master's degree of the screenwriting and Film studies faculty. The author of the script, director and actor of the Short Films: «SELF-PORTRAIT», «THE BLIND»; Music Video «SULTONI QALBAM» HIMN OF LOVE (2024), «THE BETROTHED» (2024), «SULTAN OF MY HEART» (2024), «ETERNAL LOVE» (2024). «EVERY MUSIC HAVE J.S. BACH» (2024).

  • «EVERY MUSIC HAVE J.S. BACH» (2024) music video

  • «EVERY MUSIC HAVE J.S. BACH» (2024) music video

  • «EVERY MUSIC HAVE J.S. BACH» (2024) music video

  • Director(s)


  • Writters


  • Key Cast

    Diana Dimova, Egor Shalaevsky

  • Country

    Russian Federation

  • Country of Filming

    Russian Federation

  • Country of Origin

    Russian Federation

  • Other Credits

  • Director(s) contact


  • Project Website

Girona Film Festival © 2024